Monday, February 28, 2011

Breath of Fresh Air

I had the opportunity to spend the weekend with Peter. It was the first time we've seen each other since he graduated BMT. It was a weekend long awaited and MUCH NEEDED. And the first time we'd been able to spend any relax time just the two of us in about three months. I didn't realize how much I needed to see him until I was able to actually see him.
I needed to see him to be reminded of who he is. When your guy lives so far away, and you see him so little, and he's gone through major life changes because of the military I know that I need that reminder that he is the same person I fell in love with. This weekend reminded me that he's a real person. That he's still there. I was able to put a face with the real life struggles he is going through.
Even though he's been in tech school for over a month I find myself still adjusting to life with him there. We're used to a long-distance relationship, but now the time we have to talk/see each other revolves around his schedule. Which is fine...just different. I have to be able to completely let go of my expectations of when I get to talk to him. It's a daily challenge for me. All of which made having a weekend with him absolutly amazing. No uniform, no curfew, no watching over shoulders...just him and I.
Getting to hold hands in PUBLIC!!


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Woman's Airman's Creed

This is an adaption of the Airman's Creed that an amazing woman on AF Girlfriends did. I thought it was awesome.

I am an Airman's woman.
I am a Warrior.
I have answered my heart's call.

I am an Airman's woman.
My mission is to honor and protect our hearts.
I am faithful to a strong Warrior,
a man of honor,
and a legacy of kindness.

I am an Airman's woman.
Guardian of his heart and mine,
My man's sword and shield,
His sentry and avenger.
I defend my relationship with my life.

I am an Airman's woman:
Protector, Leader, Warrior.
I will never leave my fellow ladies behind.
I will never falter,
And I will not fail.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Military Girlfriends

This is something that someone wrote and posted on the Air Force Girlfriend website that I frequented while Peter was at BMT. I go back to it every so often now to see what girls have posted about their men in Tech School. I found what this girl had posted and was able to relate to almost every line (with the exception of the part about having no ring). What she posted is so true. 

Here is the link to the amazing website with the amazing women with whom I was able to relate to during Peter's stint at BMT and even now while he is in Tech School:

I am a military girlfriend
with no recognition from the powers that be
no military ID card
I am not a DEPENDENT
or a parent
The man I love faces unspeakable danger
I understand and accept it
I’ve promised to be here upon return no matter the distance or time
Some say I'm insane for promising with no guarantees
I hold onto faith
I know my love fuels him in the worst of time
there is no ring on my finger symbolizing our commitment
but our love is just as valid
A 30 second phone call brings a spectrum of emotions
our love is based on communication
where "I love you and I'm fine "
can get u through the week
I take no moment for granted and hold on to every touch and word
I've memorized the touch of his skin his smell and the sound of his voice
I cry myself to sleep because missing him hurts so much
but I wake up brush myself off and start a new day
when you see on the news stories of war and you turn away unaffected
I see individuals lives that will be changed forever
I'm a military girlfriend
not a family or spouse
when you say your prayers about wives children and moms and dads
please don’t forget about me