Wednesday, August 1, 2012

...And Life Changes

I need to not ask God for what I want.
I need to ask God for the grace to accept what HE wants.

This has become a very important lesson that last two months. After we got passed the PT testing we breathed a HUGH sigh of relief. The next week he had a test for some book training that he had been studying for the past year. To our great joy he passed his final test with flying colors :) After that we felt we could breath better then we had in months and that we could finally focus on some things that were not so our projects.
Through all of this we have learned a great deal about the military, how it works, and how to make it work with Peter. Peter having ADD causes us to work twice as hard to make sure that he is up to the basic standards of the military. Something we have worked extremely hard on the last six months. We have implemented morning routines that keep him on track. And medications that help him focus and be less scatterbrained.
What we found was that as hard as we try, and fight, and struggle to reach those standards of perfection we will never meet them to the level that is required by the military. This is resulting in my husband being discharged from the Air Force (not by our choice). As I write this I am packing up my house and preparing to move to Texas in a week. In Texas we will begin the journey of both of us finding jobs and I will be building my BeachBody Business with the financial goal of not having to work outside the home.
This will be my last post on "Life With My Airman"...this part of our life is over...and I will be revamping my blog and changing the name for a more life appropriate title. Any prayers sent in our directions as we continue this journey would be much appreciated.