Sunday, May 8, 2011

One Week Later

It has been a week since the news of Usama Bin Laden's death was announced. At 9:50pm last week I was enjoying Celebrity Apprentice and was quite miffed when the channel I was watching switched over to the news. I got over it though :) A lot of opinions were expressed those next couple of days, both of excitement and irritation. My thought was no matter what political shenanigans are happening right now we have a military who is out there doing an awesome job protecting United States citizens. I can only imagine the  high that those awesome Navy Seals have been on the last week. One of the things I did when the news was announced last week was that I copied/pasted all of the facebook statuses that I saw that night referring to Bin Laden. So here is my collection of completely random facebook statuses collected from whoever was on my friend's list the night of May 1, 2011:

"I can hear you, the rest of the world hears you, and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon." - W.
Full credit to all the men and women who have been fighting for our country.♥ Even though he is dead, this doesn't mean our soldiers are coming home. Everyone keep praying for our soldiers. And God Bless America. ♥
A friend, "I like how they're saying "Obama has killed Bin Laden- which 2 previous President's couldn't do.' Um, I don't believe Obama did anything. It was the troops over there who busted their butts and did the work!" I'll add that yes, its incredible but we have a long way to go. All military postings are now at Defcon Bravo, thousands are still deployed, and that speech, was a huge chunk of political blather.
Fireworks outside:)
I do believe that is the best speech I've ever heard our current president give...
Heard Obama's statement was late because they were digging through the White House attic so he could wear Bush's "Mission Accomplished" flight suit.
I hope America realizes that this isn't over. Just because bin laden is dead doesn't mean our troops are coming home. Lord, protect us.
NBC's Athena Jones reports that a crowd has begun to gather in front of the White House. There are about 50 people out there and it seems to be growing. They're shouting and rejoicing and just finished singing the Star Spangled Banner. They erupted in applause afterwards. They're now chanting U-S-A. They had begun to sing, "We Are the Champions" and more people were running up.
When someone is the mastermind behind a world-changing terrorist organization that formed the attack on 9/11, I have no problem with killing them. Adios Osama.
God Bless America
Dear God, please continue to protect our soldiers. Amen
sooo, im happy osama has been found, dead at that. but i have a feeling that the war is just now beginning. please pray for every single one of our troops, now more than ever!
Took us 10 years but we finally got him. This big dog will bite when you rattle his chain...
Proud to be an Americain and THANKS to all of our Troops!!!!!!!!!!
"Bin Laden is dead. Don't thank the president, thank a SOLDIER!" (:
Osama Bin Laden is Dead
Finally got BIN LADEN!!!
WOO!!!! Damn i'm proud to with a soldier! We finally got Bin Laden!
Wel,l Bin Laden is DEAD. I know its all over my news feed but I felt the need to add one more post to your news feed about it. That man is horrible and he got what was coming to him. :) ♥ S
Hey im glad the bastard has got his I just hope all the crazies who followed him dont react
girls. oh my gosh. i am so happy. ugh.
-while one man's death will by no means put an end to terrorism, tonight should be a lesson that no matter how long it takes, America will never give up on bringing justice to our enemies. Thoughts and prayers going out to the families of the innocents killed on 9/11, and families of the armed service members who have risked their lives ever since.
BREAKING: News channels reporting that the U.S. has killed Osama Bin Laden.
Pres Obama to announce Bin Laden is confirmed dead.
Osama bin laden is dead!!! Sounds like a good day!!
So Bin Laden is dead apparently?!
- Hey, incase no one told ya'll.... Bin Laden is dead......
As Churchill said (on May 1st, 1945) when hearing on how Hitler died: "Well, I must say I think he was perfectly right to die like that."
Osama Bin Laden is dead. This is what our troops have been fighting for for the past ten years almost. I couldn't be more ecstatic. Finally, these men can feel as if they have been fighting for something. American pride.

WOOO Osama is dead!

So I am like estatic that buttface is dead... but I really hope it doesn't cause more problems. Just because he's dead deffinitely doesn't mean all the troops are coming home, it would be nice. I hope it gets better or justs stays the same. Idk how to feel other then relived!

Saddam Hussein

Osama Bin Laden

Westboro Church
As Churchill said (on May 1st, 1945) when hearing on how Hitler died: "Well, I must say I think he was perfectly right to die like that."
Now I lay me down to sleep, one less terrorist this world does keep. With all my heart I give my thanks, to those in uniform regardless of ranks. You serve our country and serve it well, with humble hearts your stories tell. So as I rest my weary eyes, while freedom rings our flag still flies. You give your all, do what you must...with God we live and God we trust. Amen ♥
Praise God and thank Him for our soldiers who stand against evil in this world!

huge Thanks out to our US military for taking him out!!!!

Job well done gentlemen!!!

God Bless the U.S and our Troops! ♥

"The girl married her Prince. The bad guy is dead. It's a real Disney weekend here on Earth."

"We will not tire, we will not falter, we will not fail." - President Bush, 2001. We did not. God Bless America.

"Heard Obama's statement was late because they were digging through the White House attic so he could wear Bush's "Mission Accomplished" flight suit."
"May 1st of 1945: Hitler announced dead - May 1st of 2011: Bin Laden announced dead"
Statement from former President George W. Bush:
"Earlier this evening, President Obama called to inform me that American forces killed Osama bin Laden, the leader of the al Qaeda network that attacked America on September 11, 2001.  I congratulated him and the men and women of our military and intelligence communities who devoted their lives to this mission.  They have our everlasting gratitude.  This momentous achievement marks a victory for America, for people who seek peace around the world, and for all those who lost loved ones on September 11, 2001.  The fight against terror goes on, but tonight America has sent an unmistakable message:  No matter how long it takes, justice will be done."