Thursday, June 28, 2012


As I watch my brother count down to his bmt leave date it brings back memories of Peter's bmt days. One of the clearest memories I have from that 8 1/2 weeks is the one letter I got from him. The night I got the letter I was driving home at night, probably after a night class close to finals. I hadn't heard from Peter in a couple weeks and I was really upset about it. I missed him so much and by that point was angry because I hadn't had any contact. I cried on the way home that night. When I got home I checked the mailbox and found the letter he wrote me. I was so happy. He wrote "I love you sweetheart" on the outside of the envelope. Words I needed to hear so bad. I held that letter and cried. I didn't open it for at least a half hour. And when I sat down to open it I so very carefully cut open the top of the envelope...making sure that I cut only the envelope and not the precious piece of paper inside. The paper that he had held in his hands just days before...I pulled the letter out and read it...slowly. The letter that had taken him almost a week to write I read slowly... and then I read it again.
Just hours before that I had been crying in the car on my way home. Because I hadn't heard from the man I loved. I needed to badly to hear from him. And God knew that. When I was at the point where I was most upset God had already provided what I needed. It was a very small thing...and a reminder that is easy to forget. That letter for me is a reminder that God knows what our needs are whether it is physical or emotional.

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